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Essay on child marriage

Essay on child marriage

essay on child marriage

Child Marriage Essay Satisfactory Essays Words 8 Pages Open Document Child marriage is a complex issue that has been taking place for decades across many countries, 30/01/ · The rate of child marriage in the districts of Rajasthan and Bihar ranges from 47% to 51%. and Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of child brides. In , about 75% of the Essay on Child Marriage in India – Written in English (Essay 3 – Words) Marriage is a very responsible and sacred way of uniting two people who are matured and ready to accept each

New York Essays

Essay on child marriage in India! These essays will also guide you to learn about the history, causes, effects, prevention and steps to be taken to spread awareness about child marriage. Contents List of Essays on Child Marriage in India Essay on Child Marriage in India — Short Essay Essay 1 — Words Essay on Child Marriage in India Essay essay on child marriage — Words Essay on Child Marriage in India — Written in English Essay 3 — Words Essay on Child Marriage in India — Causes, Effects and Prevention Essay 4 — Words Essay on Child Marriage in India — For School Students Class 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard Essay 5 — Words Essay on Child Marriage in India — Facts Essay 6 — Words Essay on Child Marriage in India — For College and University Students Essay 7 — Words Essay on Child Marriage in India — Long Essay for Competitive Exams Like IAS, IPS and UPSC Essay 8 — Words.

Child marriage in India is still a prevalent practice, essay on child marriage. Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students Class 7, 8, 9 and 10 standard and college students. Furthermore, those students preparing for competitive exams like IAS, IPS, Civil Services and UPSC can also increase their knowledge by reading these essays. Child marriage in India is one of the most baffling of all problems which the Indian society faces. There was a time when most children were married at a very premature age. There have been several instances wherein children less than 10 years of age got married. They barely understood the meaning of marriage and yet they were tied to a bond they could do nothing about.

In earlier times, Child marriage in India was an age old tradition. Some of the many other causes of Child Marriage in India include poverty, illiteracy, social pressure, etc. Of course, child marriage in India is filled with too many perils. A lot of innocent lives were lost and children who should be taught the basics of education ended up being chained to family pressure. This affected the children mentally as well as physically. The right thing to do is to create awareness about this issue. If we want to solve the problem of child marriage in India, essay on child marriage, we should educate both parents and children and encourage them to be independent first and then look for a partner only after attaining a certain age.

Laws should also be put in place in order to get rid of this social issue. Children of today are the future of tomorrow. They must be provided with proper education in order to build a strong nation. Child Marriage in India basically originated to prevent the girl child from being taken away by the conquerors of the nation. Child Marriage means that a girl or a boy gets betrothed to her partner even as a child purely at the consent of the parents. Even though the lawful age for a person to be married is set at 18 by UNICEF, it is not practiced in many places. Two primary reasons for Child Marriages in India is lack of education and poverty, essay on child marriage. The appalling consequences of child marriages include pregnancy- related deathschild mothers not able to provide proper infant care, subjected to domestic violence, essay on child marriage.

Every Citizen in this country has a role to protect and uphold essay on child marriage future citizens, the now Children. Balika Vadhu one of the most watched melo-drama, showcased how Child Marriages are a bane to human race and the country. As a dutiful citizen, each of us should make the children understand their human rights, essay on child marriage. Create awareness and give the child appropriate contact information to seek contacts when their cry of refusal is denied ears. This would therefore abolish child essay on child marriage in India and create a safe environment to nurture the future of the country. Marriage is a very responsible and sacred way of uniting two people who are matured and ready to accept each other.

But child marriage in India is something that is a really unethical way of uniting people, who are not only immature but also does not understand the real responsibility behind the phenomenon. Indian law has assigned a minimum age of eighteen for girls and twenty-one for boys to legally get married. This law was passed due to the increased reporting of child marriages in India, essay on child marriage. Mainly girl children are forced to fall into child marriage in India as they are discriminated in the society because of their gender. Child marriages in India were considered by parents as a way of saving their child from abuses and other difficulties they face from the outside world.

They get on with handling more responsibilities than they even know about and many cases have been reported against this child marriage in Essay on child marriage. The girl child is made to move out of her own house at such a young age due to child marriage in India, and live completely among strangers. She is forced to do all the household chores and other more difficult responsibilities. Domestic violence and forced sexual abuses are also major problems due to child marriage in India. Not only girls but boys are also forced for such inhumanity. Child marriage in India is more dominant in rural areas where proper education and awareness should be spread to stop this cruelty.

Child Marriage in India is a centuries old tradition. When the census reported brides in the age group of one to twelve months, Mahatma Gandhi was shocked. He became instrumental in introducing the Sarda Act or the Child Marriage Restraint Act in That was the first step taken against child marriage in India. It fixed the age of marriage for girls at 14 years and boys at 18 years. Since then many reformers and stakeholders have been advocating against child marriage in India. Since bygone days, the dignity and reputation of families in India were heavily dependent on the essay on child marriage of their daughters. To uphold the essay on child marriage, child marriage essay on child marriage India was prevalent at a tender age before puberty, essay on child marriage.

Due to poverty, many poor parents wished to see off their daughters through marriage at early years. Further, poor families also found it cheaper to conduct child marriages than adult marriages. So, the various reasons for child marriage in India include tradition, poverty, illiteracy and social pressures, essay on child marriage. The victims of child marriage in India are often uneducated. They do not have a broad view of their life with respect to the world. So, they often tend to pass this tradition to future generations, out of ignorance.

Due to the early marriage, these children often experience unprecedented responsibilities, essay on child marriage, suffer discontinuation of education, deterioration of health etc. Since they are physically and psychologically not ready for a married life, their childhood is frustrated with hardships of life. The latest effort to prevent child marriage in India is the landmark judgment of the Supreme Court in October All along, men who raped their minor wives were protected by the law. But, according this latest judgment, sexual act with a child bride has been criminalised.

This is a definite step to curb child marriage in India, essay on child marriage. Sinceit has become mandatory to register marriages in order to prevent child marriage in India. The public has been encouraged to report child marriages and non-registered marriages in order to keep violations in check. Various sensitization programs are carried out to educate the parents and the public against child marriage in India. UNICEF sees child marriage practice as violation of human rights. So, the International community expects a radical change in India than any other country.

With dreams to become a superpower in the near future, it has become imperative to put an end to child marriage in India. India is surging on its way to become a superpower, but it is a startling reality that an age old evil practice called child marriage essay on child marriage prevails in the country. India has the second highest number of child marriages according to a United Nations report. According to the law in India marriageable age is18 years for girls and 21 years for boys. Child marriage in India should be seen as an exploitation of human right. This evil tradition has existed in India for a long time. Another social reason to initiate child marriages was that the elders wanted to see the growth of their family with respect to the number of children as it characterized their status.

Poor people practiced child marriage to get rid of their loans, taxes, whereas some people instigated it to fetch lump sum dowry. Child marriage in India imposes huge household responsibilities, essay on child marriage, especially on innocent girl children who are not mentally and physically prepared for it. Boys who are still minors are forced to bear critical financial responsibilities and the whole family. Child marriage in India snatches the innocent childhood and the freedom to play and learn from these kids. This evil practice incubates a greater risk of contracting sexual diseases like HIV, essay on child marriage. Girls who get married at a very young age are less likely to be aware about pregnancy and correlated topics.

A baby born to such mother is more likely to suffer from ailments like malnutrition. The Indian Constitution and Law prohibit Child Marriage in India in any shape or form. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, eradicate the flaws in previously present laws. The act strictly prohibits the marriage of a girl under eighteen years of age and a boy below twenty-one years of age. Under this law, the children have the choice to declare their marriage as annulled up to two years of reaching adulthood. A foremost hindrance in curbing the evil practice is that most of these marriages are not registered and are carried out informally. Marriage is a sacred union between two mature individuals who are in consensus with each other to share responsibilities and take care of each other for a lifetime.

Child Marriages happen to be an illogical institution that has prevailed in the country, despite all the development and growth that the country has witnessed over the time. It needs to be understood that poverty and lack of education are the major factors that undermine the efforts to end this menace. As a responsible citizen of India we must contribute to the fullest to eradicate this evil practise by immediately reporting to the police when one hears of child marriage essay on child marriage place. Child marriage in India is a disturbing truth that still exists in the nation, essay on child marriage. Marriage is an institution in which two mature persons agree to live with each other by sharing their responsibilities equally. But, child marriage in India is totally opposed to it.

Child marriage in India is an informal or formal wedding amongst two persons in which the male is below 21 years of age and the girl is below 18 years of age. It is also considered as the misuse of civil rights because it is a kind of an involuntary wedding. There is a long history behind the child marriage in India. It exists from the eras when the empire structure was predominant. The child marriage in India was also utilized as a weapon to keep the girls safe from rapes and kidnap by foreign sovereigns. During child marriage in India, the immature girl kid needs to leave her home forcefully and have to live in a new home with lots of responsibilities.

Essay On Child Marriage - Child Marriage Essay - Causes \u0026 Solutions

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Essay About Marriage | WOW Essays

essay on child marriage

30/01/ · The rate of child marriage in the districts of Rajasthan and Bihar ranges from 47% to 51%. and Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of child brides. In , about 75% of the Child Marriage Essay Satisfactory Essays Words 8 Pages Open Document Child marriage is a complex issue that has been taking place for decades across many countries, 5/04/ · Likewise, to be married means acknowledging that there are roles and responsibilities to be undertaken, as spouses; and eventually, as parents. In decision making processes, there

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